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The ratio depends on the individual.

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Q: What is the ratio of respiration to pulse?
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How does your body adopt surface area to volume ratio to help exchange gases?

The respiration system adopts to the surface area to volume ratio to help the exchange of gases.

When you are counting pulse beats are you counting heartbeats?

Yes, your pulse is your heartbeat rate.

303 pulse equals 113 rupees then 1 pulse equals paise?

1 pulse = 113/303 rupees =11300/303 paise = 37.29 paise.

What will result in the best axial resolution long pulse length short pulse length low pulse repetition frequency or high pulsed repetition frequency?

== == In diagnostic ultrasound axial resolution is influenced by a number of factors including transmission pulse length and frequency of the probe. For best axial resolution short pulses are used - long pulses can potentially improve the signal to noise ratio but their use often results in "range side lobes", effectively a reduction in axial resolution. Pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is a separate issue to axial resolution however high frequency probes are able to have a higher PRF (resulting in higher frame rates) than low frequency probes due to the higher rate of absorption of the higher frequency signals.

How you can use a simple pendulum to measure the pulse rate?

Pulse and pendulum According to his first biographer Viviani, Galileo experimented with synchronizing two clocks -- the human pulse, and a pendulum -- in his student days at Pisa. The resulting invention, the "pulsilogium", represented the pulse rate as the length of the pendulum. Try making a pulsilogium: adjust the length of a pendulum so that its rate of swinging agrees with your own pulse. Mark the length. Then adjust the same pendulum for your lab partner's pulse -- is there a detectable difference in pulse rate? 2. Pendulum length and frequency It would be good to know what pendulum length means as a frequency (or pulse rate).