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It is the percentage change.

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Q: What is the ratio of the change in an amount to the original amount expresses as a percent?
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What is the ratio amount of change divided by original amount expressed as a percent?

percent change

What is the ratio of the change in an amount to the original amount expressed as a percent?

A percentage change.

How do you do you find the percent of change in numbers?

new amount minus original amount over original amount

What is an increase or decrease given as a percent of the original amount?

Percent Change!

The percent of change found when the original amount decreases is called the percent of?

percent of decrease

What percent compares the final and original amounts?

(final amount/original amount)*100 This is NOT the percentage change.

What is the percent of change if the original amount is 35 and the new amount is 70?


What is the difference divided by the original amount?

That is the decimal amount of change, if you multiply by 100 it's the Percent Change

What is the percent of change if the original amount is 35 and the new amount is 25?

28.57% decrease.

When there is more than one percent change to a value can you just add the percent changes why?

No, because percentage changes are multiplicative, not additive. The second percentage change is not applied to the original amount but to the original amount after it has been changed by the first percentage change.

What type of percent that compares the final and original amounts?

The type of percent that compares the final and original amounts is called the percentage increase or decrease. It is calculated by dividing the difference between the final amount and the original amount by the original amount, and then multiplying by 100.

3.50 to 2.80 what is the percent decrease?

Percent change can be found using the formula below:(new amount) - (original amount)% change = __________________________(original amount)Using this formula, we find that2.8 - 3.5 -0.7_______ = ____ = -0.2, which equals a 20% decrease (negative answer)3.5 3.5