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It is: circumference/diameter = pi

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Q: What is the ratio of the circumference a circle to its denoted diameters a greek letter math?
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Who came up eith the word pi?

The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, roughly 3.1416, is denoted in science and math by a symbol called 'pi'. The symbol is the 16th letter in the Greek alphabet.

A letter which represents the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle?


What is the letter used for the circumference of a circle?

C for those who don't no it

What is a three letter word that starts with a and has something to do with a part of a circle?

Ark is part of the circle's circumference.

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Who selected the Greek letter for the ratio of a circle's circumference?

it is a number like 9958

What is the definition of 'circumference'?

Answer The length around a circle has a special name called circumference. Circumference = pi times diameterThe circumference is the distance around a closed curve. Circumference is a kind of perimeter.The circumference of a circle can be calculated from its diameter using the formula:C = pi times dOr, substituting the diameter for the radius:C = 2 r times piwhere r is the radius and d is the diameter of the circle, and π (the Greek letter pi).Distance around a circle

What are 3 geometry terms that start with the same letter?

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What is the letter which represents the ratio of the circumfernce to the diameter of a circle?

The letter or character used to represent the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle is the Greek lower case letter π, called "pi."

Which letter is used generally to denoted the golden ratio?

The Greek letter phi, which is like a circle with a diagonal; line running through it from upper right to lower left.

Where can you see a pi?

It is a Greek letter used to represent the ratio of the diameter of a circle to its circumference so you can see 'pi' (not a pi)in any circle.

How do you name the diameters in a circle?

You can use the two end points, or you can name them using a letter from any alphabet, or a symbol - including symbols that you made up.