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Q: Who selected the Greek letter for the ratio of a circle's circumference?
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Why does the Greek letter Pi signify the ratio of a circles circumference?

The Greek word for perimeter begins with the letter pi, and since circumference and perimeter are the same the letter Pi was used.

How come there's pie and pi?

Because "pi" is the Greek letter for "P" and is used to represent the ratio of a circles diameter to it's circumference. "Pie" just happens to conveniently be the pronunciation of that Greek letters name and a very tasty desert.

Who discovered circumference of circle?

The ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras is usually creditted for the discovery of the ratio of circumference to radius of circles. That is, Circumference = 2 * Pi * Radius. The number Pi represents (3.1415....) is named after him.

What is the ratio of the circumference a circle to its denoted diameters a greek letter math?

It is: circumference/diameter = pi

Why is pi used to measure circles?

Pi is the ratio of the circumference ( the perimeter) of a circle to its diameter. You might have learned in school that if C is the circumference of the circle., then C=2Pir or C=pixd from which we say pi = C/d or the ratio of the circumference of the circle to its diameter. This has been known since ancient times! William Jones gave us the symbol we currently use for it. This comes from the 16th letter in the Greek alphabet. So we use it to measure circles because of what it is.

What does the word pi come from in greek?

It is the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet. In mathematics it is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter

How did the name pi get used for math?

pi is a letter in the greek alphabet (π) which in math represents the irrational number value of 3.141592653589793238462... we use pi as a variable instead of writing out the endless decimal everytime it is used. By this, we can calculate the area and circumference of circles, you can find the area by πr2 which r is the radius or radii, and to find the circumference it is 2πr.

What is the word for the definition ratio of circumference to diameter?

Pi which is not really a "word" but the Greek letter: π

What term refers to the ratio of circumference to the diameter of an object?

The ratio of circumference to the diameter of a circle is 3.14159 ... This value is called "Pi" and is represented by the Greek letter π.

Why is pi named that?

The word "Pi" derives from the letter "P" (π) out of the Greek alphabet, which's the first letter of the word "περιφέρεια" - peripheria meaning periphery, respectively "περίμετρος" - perimetros, Greek for circumference.

What is pi's mathematical symbol?

pi is represented by the Greek letter (of the same name) π and is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

Why was pi made?

Pi is a Greek letter. Why it was made could be asked of every other character in every language: to help communicate a spoken sound or letter on paper in a uniformly recognisable way. Its use to represent the "circle constant" (the area, circumference and volumes of circles, cones, cylinders and spheres can be calculated from at most two linear measurements) is probably just chance.