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Q: What is the reciprocal of five thirds?
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What is the answer to two thirds when you invert it?

The reciprocal of two thirds is three halves.

What is the reciprocal of 2 thirds?


What is the reciprocal of 2 and three fourths?

to find the reciprocal you would want to make 2 3/4 an impropper fraction. To do that you need to multiply the whole number by the denominator. In this case the 2 by the 4. From that you get 8. Then you add that number to the numerator. So it would be 8+3=11. Put this number over 4 and you have 11/4. Then you can find the reciprocal which would be that number upside down. Your reciprocal is 4/11.

What is the reciprocal of two thrids?

The reciprocal of two thirds is three halves - which is one and a half (1.5).

What is the reciprocal of two thirds?

3/2 or 1.5

What is the reciprocal for two thirds?

3/2 or three halves

What is the reciprocal of negative three fourths?

Negative four thirds

What is the product of 2 thirds and it's reciprocal?

ask your teacher that question

What is the reciprocal of 3 fourths?

3/4 . Its reciprocal is 4/3. You just turn the fraction over. For a whole such '2' its reciprocal is '1/2'.

How many five thirds are in 2 whole numbers?

Divide 2 / (5/3). To divide by a fraction, you multiply by the reciprocal (on the right side): 2 x (3/5).

What is 1 and two thirds in an improper fraction and what is the answer when you find the reciprocal?

it is three fourths * * * * * No it is not. 12/3 = 5/3 and its reciprocal is 3/5

What is the reciprocal of two and two-thirds?

it's 2 and 3/2 22/3 = 8/3 and therefore the reciprocal = 3/8