

Best Answer

A) an=an-1 -13.8

B) an=an -1+13.8

C) an=an+1+13.8


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Q: What is the recursive rule for the sequence -7.4 -21.2 -35 -48.8 -62.6 and acirc and 128 and brvbar?
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What is the difference between an explicit rule and a recursive rule?

An explicit rule defines the terms of a sequence in terms of some independent parameter. A recursive rule defines them in relation to values of the variable at some earlier stage(s) in the sequence.

Recursive rule for the Fibonacci sequence?

x1=0 x2=1 for i > 2, xi= xi-1 + xi-2

What is recursive rule?

A recursive rule is one which can be applied over and over again to its own output

Do grapes come under Fibonacci sequence?

No. Grapes have nothing to do with a recursive series of numbers following the rule that any number is the sum of the previous two.

What does recursive mean?

Recursive refers to using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly.

What is a recursive rule for the following arithmetic sequence 27 24 21 18 15?

U1 = 27 U{n+1} = U{n} - 3

What is a recursive rule?

It is a term for sequences in which a finite number of terms are defined explicitly and then all subsequent terms are defined by the preceding terms. The best known example is probably the Fibonacci sequence in which the first two terms are defined explicitly and after that the definition is recursive: x1 = 1 x2 = 1 xn = xn-1 + xn-2 for n = 3, 4, ...

How is the recursive form of a sequence sometimes more useful than the closed form where a rule is found to find any term based on its position in the sequence?

"The recursive form is very useful when there aren't too many terms in the sequence. For instance, it would be fairly easy to find the 5th term of a sequence recursively, but the closed form might be better for the 100th term. On the other hand, finding the closed form can be very difficult, depending on the sequence. With computers or graphing calculators, the 100th term can be found quickly recursively."

How do you get a recursive pattern?

A recursive pattern is a pattern that goes like this 2,4,6,8 and on. A pattern rule which is used to find the next term.

How do you find a recursive rule?

You can search on ebay or more likey to find at Staples :)

What is the recursive rule and explicit rule for 3 12 48?

Each number is -4 times the previous one. That means that you can write a recursive rule as: f(1) = -3 f(n) = -4 * f(n-1) The explicit rule involves powers of -4; you can write it as: f(n) = -3 * (-4)^(n-1)

What is the recursive rule and explicit rule for -3 12 -48 192?

Each number is -4 times the previous one. That means that you can write a recursive rule as: f(1) = -3 f(n) = -4 * f(n-1) The explicit rule involves powers of -4; you can write it as: f(n) = -3 * (-4)^(n-1)