Richard Dedekind and Georg Cantor.
Complex numbers are a proper superset of real numbers. That is to say, real numbers are a proper subset of complex numbers.
Integer numbers are a subset of real numbers. Real numbers may contain fractions.
A set can contain anything, or in some cases, nothing. Real numbers are an important and useful mathematical concept, and they are among the things that could be placed in various sets for various purposes.
Richard Dedekind and Georg Cantor.
Complex numbers are a proper superset of real numbers. That is to say, real numbers are a proper subset of complex numbers.
Natural numbers = Whole numbers are a subset of integers (not intrgers!) which are a subset of rational numbers. Rational numbers and irrational number, together, comprise real numbers.
Real numbers include positive and negative numbers, integers and fractional numbers, and even irrational numbers - numbers that are between rational numbers, but that are not rational numbers themselves. (A rational number is one that can be written as a fraction, with integers in the numerator and the denominator.) Real numbers can be represented as points on a straight line.
Transitivity can be applied to relations between objects or sets - not to the sets themselves. For example, the relation "less-than" for real numbers, or the relation "is a subset of" for subsets, are both transitive. So is equality.
Real numbers are infinitely dense. That means that between any two real numbers, there are infinitely may real numbers. One example: 2.00135
A set can contain anything, or in some cases, nothing. Real numbers are an important and useful mathematical concept, and they are among the things that could be placed in various sets for various purposes.
Integer numbers are a subset of real numbers. Real numbers may contain fractions.
Yes. There are infinitely many rational numbers between any two real numbers.