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A set can contain anything, or in some cases, nothing. Real numbers are an important and useful mathematical concept, and they are among the things that could be placed in various sets for various purposes.

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Q: What is the relation between set and real number?
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What is the difference between a set of real numbers and a set of complex numbers?

The set of real numbers is a subset of the set of complex numbers. For the set of complex numbers, given in the form (a + bi), where a and b can be any real number, the number is only a real number, if b = 0.

Why is the number line called the real number?

Because there is a 1-to-1 mapping between the points on the line and the set of real numbers.

Is the empty set transitive?

Transitivity can be applied to relations between objects or sets - not to the sets themselves. For example, the relation "less-than" for real numbers, or the relation "is a subset of" for subsets, are both transitive. So is equality.

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is a set of real numbers with the property that any number that lies between two numbers is the set.

Is there an empty set or point between any two points on a number line?

There are an infinite number of points between any two numbers on the real number line.

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The relation, between two sets of objects, is a mapping which associates elements of the first set to those of the second set.

Is a rational number a subset of the set of integers?

not necessarily... An integer is a rational number, but so is any real number between consecutive integers.

Does a real number contain the set of rational numbers?

No. A real number is only one number whereas the set of rational numbers has infinitely many numbers. However, the set of real numbers does contain the set of rational numbers.

What does interval mean in math terms?

In math, an interval is a set of real numbers with the property that any number that lies between two numbers in the set is also included in the set.

How do you determine the number of subsets in relation to the universal set?

If the universal set, U, has N elements then it has 2N subsets.

How are the subsets of the real number system related to each other?

They are all subsets of the real number. That is their only common feature. There is little direct relationship between the set of counting numbers and the set S = {pi, sqrt(9.3), 6, -7.5}

The real number -5 belongs to which set of numbers?

-5 to a set number is -5