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Q: What is the relationship between attenuation and data rate?
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Describe the relationship between stroke volume and pump rate?

As stroke volume increases, pump rate decreases. This is an inverse relationship.

Relationship between atheles and recovery heart rate?

The recovery heart rate tells you how fit you are. Thus the relationship between the two is simple. Athletes will have a low recovery rate making them very healthy and fit.

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The relationship between heart rate and breathing rate is important for overall cardiovascular health. When the heart rate and breathing rate are in sync, it indicates that the cardiovascular system is functioning efficiently. Regular exercise can help improve this relationship, leading to better cardiovascular health.

Why actual data transfer rate is lower than the calculated data transfer rate?

The theoretical maximum data rate can only be achieved probably in the test labs environment where there is no other user traffic or overheads. However in a practical world user, Radio frequency overhead and IP protocol overhead will impact negatively on the speed experienced by users. Distances from the transmitter would also affect data speed and the closer to the Receiver the better the service and speed. For a user in a cell with 20MHz spectrum not all of the spectrum would be available for data applications but reserved for voice traffic as well. The available spectrum and it maximum data rate would be divided between the users in the same cell that reducing further the rate experienced by the user. Environmental conditions, weather and line of site have detrimental effect as attenuation would reduce the speed rate experienced by a user.

Who discovered the relationship between cleanliness and infection rate.?

it is Lister

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Flow rate= radius to the fourth power

Why do rate laws have to be experimentally determined?

To find out the relationship between the rate of reaction and the concentrations of reactants.

What is the relationship between design reflux rate and min reflux rate?

Rmin =R*1.2