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what is the relationship between chest circumference and lung function test

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Q: What is the relationship between chest circumference and lung function test?
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Bra size is more a function of breast size and chest circumference than age.

What word reflects the relationship between the heart and the chest cavity?

The heart is within the chest cavity. It is located medially in the chest cavity.

How does chest circumference relate to lung functions?

Chest circumference does increase when the lungs are inflated. The best way to measure circumference in its true number is to measure it without holding in air. The measurement is useful for properly fitting clothing and the like.

Why are chest circumferences measured in adults?

Measuring chest circumference in adults is important for assessing lung function, heart health, and overall body composition. It can help detect abnormalities such as respiratory issues, heart conditions, or excessive weight gain that may impact one's health status. Tracking changes in chest circumference over time can also provide insights into the effectiveness of fitness routines or weight management efforts.

What is the head and chest circumference of a newborn?

HEAD: 33-38 cm Chest: 12-14 inches

What is the function of chest bone?

it supports the chest it protects the chest it allows movement in the chest

Average chest circumference in 2 year old?

31 inches

What is the function of the chest cavity?

The function of the chest cavity is to support some internal organs. The lungs and the heart are located in the chest cavity which protects and supports them.

What was William H Taft's circumference?

64 inches chest, 74 inches abdomen

What are intercoastal muscles?

The intercostal muscles are the muscles that lie between the ribs and form the chest wall. Their function is to aid inhalation and exhalation.

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What is the description and function of the diaphagelm?

I presume you mean diaphragm. This is the muscular partition between the Chest and Abdomen. Its contraction is responsible for breathing as it tends to inflate and deflate the lungs.