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Q: What is the diameter when you have 1.2mmhigh power filed and an object that occupies one third of that field?
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What would be the size of an object in mm that occupies 25 of the size of a field of view that is 32mm in diameter?

The object would be 8 mm in size. This is calculated by taking 25% of the diameter of the field of view (32 mm) which is 8 mm.

If the size of the high-power field is 1.2 mm an object that occupies approximately a third of that field has an estimated diameter of?

area of object = (1/3) pi * radius^2 = (1/3) (pi) * (0.6)^2 = 0.377 Find the diameter of this object (assuming it's a circle), and that's the answer: diameter = radius * 2 radius = square root (area / pi) diameter = 2 * square root (area / pi) diameter = 2 * (0.335) = 0.67

What size is an object if the diameter field of view is 4.5mm?

The size of the object would depend on its distance from the observer. The diameter of the field of view refers to the circular area you can see through a microscope or similar device and not the actual size of an object.

Can a calibrated ocular micrometer measure the diameter of the field?

Yes, a calibrated ocular micrometer can be used to measure the diameter or length of a field or object. Essentially, that is all that it is used for.

The diameter of a microscope's field of view is estimated to be 0.9 mm . about how wide is an object that fills two thirds of the field circle your answer?

0.6 mm

Can a calibrated ocular micrometer measure the diameter of a field?

No, an ocular micrometer is used for measuring objects viewed through a microscope by comparing them to a scale etched onto the eyepiece. It is not designed to measure the diameter of a field of view.

How do you calculate field diameter?

Field diameter is calculated by measuring the distance across the field of view of a microscope, then dividing that measurement by the magnification of the objective lens being used. This gives you the field diameter in micrometers.

What is the field of view if the diameter is 80x?

The field of view would be 80 times the diameter.

How do you calculate the field diameter of the medium power lens?

To calculate the field diameter of a medium power lens, you need to first determine the field number of the lens. The field number is typically provided by the manufacturer and represents the diameter of the field of view in millimeters. To calculate the field diameter, you divide the field number by the magnification of the lens. Field diameter = Field number / Magnification.

What is the relationship between magnification and the diameter of the field of view?

Magnification is inversely proportional to the diameter of the field of view.

What is field diameter?


What is the diameter of the field of view is 5.6mm at 40x?

The field of view's diameter is inversely proportional to magnification; thus, the 5.6mm diameter at 40x magnification would become 140mm at 1x magnification. Mathematically, Field of view diameter = FOV1 / Magnification1 = FOV2 / Magnification2.