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Ratio uses 2 similar things and compares them while proportions uses ratios to compare, they both compare objects or items ------ Pao Xiong

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Q: What is the relationship between ratio and proportion?
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Related questions

What is the relationship between two ratio's in a proportion?

A proportion is a statement that says "These two ratios are equal".

What is the relationship between two variables quantities with a constant ratio?

It is a direct proportion.

What is the difference between a ratio and a proportion?

a ratio is a comparison between 2 things and a proportion is a ratio on each side of the = sign

When the ratio of two variabes is constant their relationship can be described as?

Direct Proportion

What relationship exist between two variables when their ratio is constant?

Direct proportionality. Their graph would be a straight line through the origin, with the slope equal to the ratio.

What is the relationship in which the ratio of the manipulated variables and the responding variables is constant?

Direct Proportion

Is ratio a noun?

Yes, "ratio" is a noun. It refers to the quantitative relationship between two or more quantities, often expressed as a proportion or a fraction.

What is the difference between a ratio and a prportion?

a ratio is a fraction of two numbers a proportion is = fractions

The relationship between two ratios is a .?


Can the number 352 form a proportion?

No, no number by itself can form a proportion. A proportion is a relationship between two numbers.

What is the synonym of ratio?

According to the dictionary some synonyms of ratio are proportion, comparative number, correlation, relationship, correspondence, percentage, fraction and quotient.

Who invented ratio and proportion?

ratio & proportion was explored by an ancient Greek-golden Ratio