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Q: How do the direction and length of your shadow in the morning compare to it's direction and length at noon?
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At what time is the shadow in front of you?

The shadow is in front of you when the sun is behind you, typically in the late morning or early afternoon. The length and direction of the shadow will vary depending on the position of the sun in the sky.

Length of a shadow formed in morning midway and evening?


What happens to the length of a shadow during the morning?

It will shorten as the sun rises to its apogee over the object casting the shadow.

When the sun rises in the morning what direction will a shadow point?

When the sun rises in the morning, shadows will point towards the west. This is because the sun rises in the east and casts shadows in the opposite direction.

When is the Shadow is shorter in morning or evening?

So long as the sun is the same height above the horizon your shadows will be the same length whether it is morning or evening.

In what direction will your shadow fall in the morning?

The sun rises in the east, so shadow will fall to the west

How many distance move a shadow in one hour?

The direction a shadow points turns 15 degrees in one hour. The distance the end of the shadow moves depends on the length of the shadow.

what causes shadow length?

The length of a shadow is primarily determined by the angle of the sun in relation to the object casting the shadow. Shadows are longer in the early morning and late afternoon when the sun is lower in the sky, and shorter at midday when the sun is directly overhead. The size and shape of the object casting the shadow also play a role in determining shadow length.

How does the length of your shadow compare to your actual height?

It depends on the time of day, and, therefore, it depends on where the sun is in the sky.

What is the direction of someone's shadow at 10am?

Usually somewhere towards the west. However, the exact length and direction of the shadow depend on your exact geographical position (both latitude and longitude), and on the time of year.

How can you tell where the Sun is by looking at your shadow?

By observing the direction and length of your shadow, you can determine the approximate position of the Sun. If your shadow is directly under you, it means the Sun is directly above you (at solar noon). If your shadow is longer and pointing towards the east, it means the Sun is in the west.

What is the difference between morning shadow and afternoon shadow?

Morning shadows are longer and more stretched out because the sun is low on the horizon, casting shadows in a longer direction. Afternoon shadows are shorter and more concentrated because the sun is higher in the sky, resulting in shorter shadows cast in a more concentrated area.