Your remainder would be 12.
92.7778 or 92 with remainder 7.
300 divided by 29 is 10 with remainder 10.
One quarter of 29 is equivalent to dividing 29 by 4. When you divide 29 by 4, you get 7 with a remainder of 1. Therefore, one quarter of 29 is 7 with a remainder of 1.
the number is 43:43:7=6 remainder 143:9=4 remainder 743:11=3 remainder 10Also possible: 241, 439, 637, 835, 1033, 1231, 1429, 1627, 1825, 2023, 2221, 2419, 2617, 2815, 3013, 3211, 3013, 3211, 3409, 3607... where number is 198xN+43 and N is positive integer number
Divide 7 into 29. If the answer is an integer with no remainder, it's a factor.