The 'representation' of a number is, how you write it. Usually, these days, you write out a number with decimal digits, 0-9, but there's other ways. Six, you can write it these ways:
6 (in decimal, arabic numerals)
six (english word)
VI (roman numerals)
sechs (german word)
110 (in binary)
20 (in base 3)
sqrt(25)+1 (a mathematical expression)
Integers are whole numbers, positive and negative and zero. Odd integers, when you write them in decimal, all end with an odd digit 1 3 5 7 9. examples:
(If you write them in a base that's odd, it's more complicated.)
The next odd integer after 40 is 41
The number 71 is an integer, an odd integer, a positive odd integer, and also a prime number.
let x = any integer then (2x + 1) = any odd integer
17 (odd integer) + 19 (odd integer) = 36 17 and 19 are consecutive odd integers.
If n is an odd integer then the next two consecutive odd integers are n+2 and n+4.
Assuming that n is an integer, 2n + 1 is an odd number.
It cannot be done. The basic rules of math. odd integer plus odd integer = even integer. odd integer plus even integer = odd integer. Always. odd integer plus odd integer plus odd integer = odd integer. Always.
33 The 17th odd positive integer is
The next odd integer after 40 is 41
even integer.
The number 71 is an integer, an odd integer, a positive odd integer, and also a prime number.
It is the square of an odd integer.
No. For example, 5 is an odd integer and 3 is an odd integer, yet 5/3 is neither an integer nor odd (as odd numbers are, by definition, integers).
An integer is even or odd can be decided by checking its divisibility by 2 if it is divided by 2 it is even and if not then it is odd
An odd number is an integer of the form 2*n+1 where n is an integer. Equivalently, an odd number is an integer which leaver a remainder of 1 when divided by 2.
An integer is odd if and only if it is not divisible by two.