This is call the "inverse" i.e if you have 13/2 the inverse would be 2/13
you can also call it reciprocated fraction ...
you order unit fraction like this by smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest
You cannot put a fraction is order. A number of fractionscan be put in order, usually from the smallest to the largest.
You cannot put a single fraction is order. A number of fractions can be put in order, usually from the smallest to the largest.
Opposite to what is considered natural order. for example: 9876543210 or ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A reciprocal is the reverse of a fraction. FLIP IT!
Only if it is the number 1.
because before calculater we used abacus.In abacus we learnt in reverse order
The letters of the word, "sponged," appear in reverse alphabetical order.
They are in reverse alphabetical order
you order unit fraction like this by smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest
You cannot put a fraction is order. A number of fractionscan be put in order, usually from the smallest to the largest.
Chronological order means a list of events in the order that they happened. So reverse chronological order would mean starting with the last event and going backwards.
Chronological order means in the order that the events happened. So reverse chronological order would mean starting with the last event and going backwards.
The best name for a fraction that has a numerator less than the denominator is common fraction. The name of a fraction with a number in the numerator greater than the denominator is improper fraction.
To reverse keyframes in Premiere Pro, select the keyframes you want to reverse, right-click on them, and choose "Reverse Keyframes" from the menu. This will reverse the order of the keyframes on the timeline.