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Q: What is the road sign with a pair of unbroken double-yellow lines several feet apart?
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What do a pair double yellow unbroken lines on a road mean?

It seperarates the direction of traffic flow

Why do you have internet and telephones when the power lines are down?

Power lines and phone lines though using the same utility poles are two different sets of wires. Telephone wires carry their own power, separate from the power lines and are insulted while power lines are not. If the telephone wires are unbroken but laying on the ground the wires will not short to ground while an unbroken uninsulated power line will short to ground disrupting service.

What is are lines that are equidistant apart?

They are called parallel lines

What lines are always the same distancce apart?

They are parallel lines

Lines that are always the same distance apart?

They are parallel lines

Which lines are always the same distance apart?

Parallel lines are the same distance apart for all points along the line.

What lines that are the same distance apart and never intersect?

Parallel lines

Are lines that never cross and stay the same distance apart?

They are parallel lines

On topographic maps contour lines that are far apart indicate?

On topographic maps, contour lines that are far apart indicate gentle slopes or gradual changes in elevation. The farther apart the contour lines, the flatter the terrain.

Contour lines that are far apart indicate?

Contour lines that are far apart indicate gradual slopes, while contour lines that are close together indicate steep slopes.

Where are lines of longitude widest apart?

At the Equator.