Each line time is used to show different things. Some of the lines are, Center lines( long- and short-dashed lines.)cutting plane lines( thin, medium-dashed lines, or thick long- and double short-dashed) and section lines(thin lines in a pattern).
Information about the area is not enough to determine the dimensions. To start with there is no information about the shape. 60 acres can be in the from of a circle, an ellipse, a triangle, or any other polygon, or even an irregular shape. Furthermore, unless it is a regular shape, knowing the number of sides is not enough. For example, a 60-acre quadrilateral can be in the form of an extremely long but thin rectangle or a square.
The opposite of thin is thick.For persons, the opposite of thin may be fat, portly, or heavy.For thin meaning tenuous, the opposite could be dense.For thin meaning less than complete, the opposite could be substantial, or complete.Thick
The comparative form of thin is thinner.
Thinnest is the superlative degree of thin.
Thin lines for outlining Thick lines for dimension Thin dotted lines Thin dotted lines Thin long chains for center lines
its age
The alphabet of lines according to weight includes hairline, thin, medium, bold, and extra-bold. These weights indicate the thickness of lines in design and typography.
a. serif letter
Each line time is used to show different things. Some of the lines are, Center lines( long- and short-dashed lines.)cutting plane lines( thin, medium-dashed lines, or thick long- and double short-dashed) and section lines(thin lines in a pattern).
thin black lines
He did very thin lines.
The thin lines that run across a map are called longitude and latitude lines. Longitude lines run north to south, while latitude lines run east to west. These lines help in pinpointing specific locations on the Earth's surface.
I believe the Z-lines anchor the Thin filaments
Blue lines on a map typically represent bodies of water such as rivers, streams, lakes, or oceans. They help to differentiate and indicate the presence of water features within a geographic area.
A shell with a thin ring indicates that it grew slowly, indicating poor environmental conditions.
The answer depends on the shape of the can. You can get thin tall cans, or wider short cans.