

What is the root for evident?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is the root for evident?
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no.No. The square root of 5 is an irrational number. The two closest numbers with integer square roots are 4 (with a square root of 2) and 9 (with a square root of 3). Since there are no integers between 2 and 3 and 5 lies between 4 and 9, it's pretty evident that it can't have an integer square root.

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The future tense of "evident" is "will be evident."

How can you use 'evident' in a sentence?

The truth was evident ("in plainview", "obvious", logical)

What does evident?

evident means there is evidence. example: it's evident that he was the murderer because his finger prints are on the weapon. --amanda

Are clear and evident synonyms or antonyms?

Clear and evident are synonyms.

Can you give a sentence with the word evident?

The police found an evident.

What is a sentence with the word evident?

His frown made it evident that he was not pleased

What evident mean?

evident means there is evidence. example: it's evident that he was the murderer because his finger prints are on the weapon. --amanda

How do you put the word evident in a sentence?

Sherlock Holmes looked for evidence to figure out a mystery.

Is self-evident a compound word?

yes (the answer's self-evident if you're taking the exam)