

What is the root for irrelevant?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is the root for irrelevant?
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What is the root of irrelevant?

The root word for irrelevant is relevant. Irrelevant just means "not relevant."

What the root word of irrelevant?

relevant =D

What is the root word of irrelevant?

The root word of irrelevant is "relevant," which comes from the Latin word "relevare" meaning "to lift up" or "to alleviate."

Is there a root for irrelevant?

The root word for "irrelevant" is "relevant." "Ir-" is a prefix that means "not," so when added to "relevant," it creates the opposite meaning.

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What is a sentence with irrelevant in it?

Her comments were irrelevant to the topic of discussion.

What is a sentence with the word irrelevant in it?

This sentence is not irrelevant.The evidence is irrelevant to the case at hand.You have given me all the irrelevant paperwork.

What are some sentences with irrelevant in it?

Irrelevant is the antonym of relevant. An irrelevant statement does not pertain to the matter at hand. "His good character references were irrelevant to the matter of his guilt"

When was Irrelevant - album - created?

Irrelevant - album - was created in 1994.

What is the Filipino translation of irrelevant?

Filipino translation of irrelevant: hindi mahalaga

What is a good sentence using the word irrelevant?

the answer im giving you is irrelevant

What is irrelevant fallacies?

Irrelevant fallacies is what happen when people make question answer to not have what could be done in where happen have to begin an answer for an other fallacies, irrelevant right?