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If two numbers are multiplied and one of them is negative, the answer will turn out negative.

If the two numbers being multiplied are either both negative or both positive, the answer will turn out positive.


-2 * 2 = -4

-2 * -2 = 4

2 * 2 = 4

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Q: What is the rule for multiplying a negative times a positive number?
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A negative times a negative times a negative (NxNxN) is a : Negative!!! Negative times a negative is positive. A positive times a negative is a negative. Remember if you are multiplying an odd number of negatives irrespective of the number of positives, it is always a negative. If you are multiplying an even number of negatives then the answer is a positive. EX: -2 x -1 x -2 ( 3 negatives so answer is negative) 2 x -2 -4 -3x-5x-1x-1x2x1 ( 4 negatives so answer is positive) 15x1x2 30

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A negative number e.g 3 times -4 = -12 Do the normal sum then add in the minus (when timing) :)

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When multiplying a number by a negative number, the result is always negative. Therefore, 2 times a negative 2 is -4. This can be calculated by multiplying 2 by -2, resulting in -4 as the product.

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A positive number multiplied by another positive number yields a positive number. A negative number multiplied by another negative number also yields a positive number. Only multiplying a negative number by a positive number (or the other way around) yields a negative number as the product.

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Minus. You are multiplying a negative number a positive number of times. -3(2) -9

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A negative number times a positive number will give you a negative product.A negative number times a positive number will give you a negative product.A negative number times a positive number will give you a negative product.A negative number times a positive number will give you a negative product.

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negative times negative equals positive negative times positive subtract the bigger number by the smaller number and keep the sign of the bigger number positive times positive equals positive im pretty sure thats right but i would make sure with your math teacher abt the second one i said

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A positive number times a positive number will always get you a positive number A negative number times a negative number will always get you a positive number (same signs will get you a positive number) but A positive number times a negative number will always get you a negative number or A negative number times a positive number will always get you a negative number (different signs will get you a negative number)

How do you multiply with negative numbers?

If you are multiplying a negative number times a negative number, you multiply regularly but the answer in negative. If you are multipling 2 negatives, you multiply it regularly, again, but the answer is positive, and if u multiply 2 positives, obviously its a positive.