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The magnitude of the answer is the difference between the two numbers and it has the sign of the integer which has the bigger magnitude. I guess so?

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Q: What is the rule of adding integers with unlike signs?
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What is the rule in mulitplying integers with unlike sign?

One rule is that the product of two integers with unlike signs will have a minus sign for the product.

What is the rule for multiplying and dividing integers with unlike and like signs?

Like signs give a positive answer. Unlike signs give a negative answer.

What is the rule for adding integers with like signs?

positive + positive = positive negitive + negitive = positive negitive + positive = negitive

What is the rule to add unlike integers?

use the number line

What is the rule in adding integers with unlike sign?

it depends to the value of the number,when the greater value caries the positive sign,your answer must be positive,when it carries the negative sign,your answer is negative.

What is the rule for subtracting integers with the same signs?

if the signs are the same you must add its opposite.

What is the rule for adding integers that have the same sign?

The sum is positive.

Name the rule for dividing integers with different signs?

The value of the quotient of two integers with different signs is the same as if the signs were the same. Because the numbers have different signs, the quotient is negative.

What is the rule for multiplying integers with same signs?

The answer is always positive (or 0).

What is rule in unlike sign in integers?

Subtract and the Keep the sign of the one that has more

What is rule of adding integers that are different from each other?

how do you evaluate 5 - 7

What is the rule when you are adding integers with the same sign?

integer multiply integer divide 360