25% off $40.00 = $30.00
The sale price is $30.00
If 25% was knocked off of the regular price, then you paid 75% of it.70.37 / 0.75 = $93.83
25% is a quarter. A quarter of 47 is 11.75
The sale price will be $138.75
If the original price was 50.00 - then the sale price would be 37.50
The sale price will be $112.50 + tax.
25% off $40.00 = $30.00
The sale price is $30.00
The original price was $140.00
If it is FOR 25% then 12.50
If 25% was knocked off of the regular price, then you paid 75% of it.70.37 / 0.75 = $93.83