What is the sale price of an item that costs $75.00 and is discounted 30%?
63150% = 63150/100 = 94.50
cost = 150 X = 100% = 1.00 = original percent Y = 40% = 0.40 = percent reduced Z = sale percent Reduction formula based on the above variables X and Y: X - Y = Z Z = 0.6 This means the boots are on sale for 60% of their original price, or 90 a pair. To bring 90 up to 150, simply use the following formula based on these variables: A = raised price B = sale price C = percent the sales price is raised by to reach the raised price A/B = C 150/90 = 1.67 Or, to increase the sales price of 90 to the raised price of 150, you would need to sell the boots for 167% of the sales price. 100% of the sales price is 90, so the increase is 67%.
The sale price will be $112.50 + tax.
What is the sale price of an item that costs $75.00 and is discounted 30%?
depends on the price of the item. below $150 there is no discount rate. Above $150 the discount is 30% SO YOU ARE PAYING 70%.
63150% = 63150/100 = 94.50
cost = 150 X = 100% = 1.00 = original percent Y = 40% = 0.40 = percent reduced Z = sale percent Reduction formula based on the above variables X and Y: X - Y = Z Z = 0.6 This means the boots are on sale for 60% of their original price, or 90 a pair. To bring 90 up to 150, simply use the following formula based on these variables: A = raised price B = sale price C = percent the sales price is raised by to reach the raised price A/B = C 150/90 = 1.67 Or, to increase the sales price of 90 to the raised price of 150, you would need to sell the boots for 167% of the sales price. 100% of the sales price is 90, so the increase is 67%.
You will save $100, and the price would be $150.
The total tax is $7.50 and the total price with tax is $157.50.
75 is 50% of 150, so the percent change is 50%. The sunglasses are going on sale for 50% off.
35% off $150.00 means that 65% remains. $150.00 * .65 = $97.50. Amount saved = Original Price - Sale Price = $150.00 - $97.50 = $52.50.
30% off of the price $150 = 0.7*150 = $105