Converting a ratio to a percent is not the same as solving a proportion.
A percent is simply a proportion out of 100.
The percentage is 100 times the proportion.
14 out of 20 is the same proportion as 7 out of 10, so 70%.
It is the value which represents the proportion as a part of 100.
Converting a ratio to a percent is not the same as solving a proportion.
A percent is simply a proportion out of 100.
The percentage is 100 times the proportion.
14 out of 20 is the same proportion as 7 out of 10, so 70%.
It is the value which represents the proportion as a part of 100.
No. 20 is a number. 20% is a ratio or proportion meaning 20 out of every 100.
100/62 is the appropriate proportion.
Percent or percentage
It is a proportion of 100.