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Q: What is the sample space when a coin is tossed once?
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The sample space, with a fair coin, is {Heads, Tails}.I am assuming that the probability that the coin ends up resting on its edge is so small that it can be ignored as a possible outcome.

How many different combinations are possible if a number cube is tossed once and a coin is tossed twice?


How many different combinations are possible if a coin is tossed once and a number cube is tossed twice?

There are 72 permutations of two dice and one coin.

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What is the probability of getting head when a coin is tossed once?

obviously it is a 50-50 chance

If a coin is tossed 5 times what is the probability it will land on heads once?

1/5 1 out of 5.

How many different combinations are possible is a coin is tossed once and a number cube is tossed twice?

The number of combinations - not to be confused with the number of permutations - is 2*21 = 42.

What is the probability of getting heads only once if a fair coin is tossed 4 times?

There is 24 or 16 outcomes. There is 4 ways to get heads once (HTTT & THTT & TTHT & TTTH). So, the probability of getting heads only once if a fair coin is tossed 4 times is 4/16 or 1/4.

Sample space of tossing a die once?


What is the sample space of the experiment when a number cube is rolled once?

The sample space of a standard six sided die is [1,2,3,4,5,6].

What is the probability of a coin landing heads up twice and tales up once if tossed 3 times?


A coin is tossed If it comes out heads a die is then tossed once if a tail appears the coin is tossed one more time List the possibilities as to how many outcomes are possible?

The answer in the back of the book says that it is: TT, TH, H1, H2 H3, H4, H5, H6= 8 possibilities. But I don't understand what that means or how the answer was found. Help?