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Q: What is the sequence of quiet breathing?
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What is Quiet inspiration and what is quiet expiration?

Quiet inspiration is likely just breathing in at rest. Quiet expiration is likely just breathing out at rest when you are not out of breath or undergoing any physical activity

What are the muscles involved in quiet and heavy breathing?

These are diaphragm and externa intercostal muscles in quiet breathing and sternocliedomastoid ,sclene muscles,anterior serrati in heavy breathing

What was the rate of quiet breathing?


He Had Such Quiet Eyes translation?

he had such quiet eyes she did not realise they were two pools of lies layered with thinnest ice to her, those quiet eyes were breathing desolate sighs imploring her to be nice and to her him paradise

Where is an appropriate place to perform breathing exercises?

it depends on what type of breathing exercises you are doing, for relaxation then a quiet peaceful place like the woods or the beach would work.

Explain what the term TIDAL volume means?

The volume of air moved into or out of the lungs during quiet breathing.

Why is heavy breathing dramatic?

Because when it is quiet, and we are scared, our own breathing is very loud to us. We don't normally pay attention to the sound of our own breathing, so the sound triggers our feeling of something bad or scary or dramatic about to happen.

The alternative therapy that uses breathing and muscle relaxation techniques to quiet the mind by focusing attention on obtaining a sense of oneness is?


What would be the effect on breathing of a spinal cord injury at the level of the 6th cervical vertebra?

The diaphragm would still be innervated, but the intercostal muscles would not. The person would only be able to undertake quiet breathing 

The amount of air exchanged during normal quiet breathing is about?

The amount of air exchanged during normal quiet breathing, also known as tidal volume, is around 500 mL per breath in adults. This volume may vary depending on factors such as age, lung function, and overall health.

What should you do after the AED has administered electrical stimulation to the victim?

If the AED has completed the shock sequence, check the pulse and breathing for 10 seconds. If no pulse and breathing, resume CPR until the AED begins the analyze cycle again.

Words with letter Q?

Question Queue Query Quality Quantity Quantum Quote Request Sequence Liquor Quiet Quick Quack Queer Queen Quilt