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That is called the intersection of the sets.

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Q: What is the set of members that two or more sets have in common?
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Kinds of sets and their meanings?

There are various types of sets. A finite set has a limited number of members, such as the letters of the alphabet; an infinite set has an unlimited number of members, such as all whole numbers; an empty or null sethas no members, such as the number of people who have swum across the Atlantic Ocean, written as {} or ø; a single-element set has only one member, such as days of the week beginning with M, written as {Monday}. Equal sets have the same members; for example, if W = {days of the week} and S = {Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday}, it can be said that W = S. Sets with the same number of members are equivalent sets. Sets with some members in common are intersecting sets; for example, if R = {red playing cards} and F = {face cards}, then Rand Fshare the members that are red face cards. Sets with no members in common are disjoint sets. Sets contained within others aresubsets; for example, V = {vowels} is a subset of L = {letters of the alphabet}.Read more: Kinds_of_sets

Why is it that the null set is a subset of all sets?

-- The null set is a set with no members. -- So it has no members that are absent from any other set.

What is the intersection set?

is the result after doing intersection on 2 or more sets. It contains the elements which are common to all the sets on which intersection were done.

What are the kinds of sets in college algebra?

Kinds of sets are: infinite set-the set continues on for infinity.There may not be an infinite amount of a thing you wear, it is limited to numbers. finite set-it has finite (countable) number of elements, it has unlimited numbers. numerical set-a set having only numbers as its elements, set prime numbers (2,3,5,7,11,13,17..) equal set-two sets are equal if they have precisely the same numbers. null set-its is a set with no elements or numbers. equivalent set-sets with the same numbers of members . intersecting sets-sets with some members in common. subsets-sets contained within others are subset.

Kinds of sets?

what are the kinds of setsIn mathematics, any collection of defined things (elements), provided the elements are distinct and that there is a rule to decide whether an element is a member of a set. It is usually denoted by a capital letter and indicated by curly brackets {}.For example, L may represent the set that consists of all the letters of the alphabet. The symbol Î stands for 'is a member of'; thus p Î L means that p belongs to the set consisting of all letters, and 4 Ï L means that 4 does not belong to the set consisting of all letters.There are various types of sets. A finite set has a limited number of members, such as the letters of the alphabet; an infinite set has an unlimited number of members, such as all whole numbers; an empty or null set has no members, such as the number of people who have swum across the Atlantic Ocean, written as {} or ø; a single-element set has only one member, such as days of the week beginning with M, written as {Monday}. Equal sets have the same members; for example, if W = {days of the week} and S = {Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday}, it can be said that W = S. Sets with the same number of members are equivalent sets. Sets with some members in common are intersecting sets; for example, if R = {red playing cards} and F = {face cards}, then R and Fshare the members that are red face cards. Sets with no members in common are disjoint sets. Sets contained within others are subsets; for example, V = {vowels} is a subset of L = {letters of the alphabet}.Sets and their interrelationships are often illustrated by a Venn diagram.See related link below for more information

Related questions

What is interseting set?

I presume you mean intersecting. Two sets are intersecting if they have members in common. The set of members common to two (or more) sets is called the intersection of those sets. If two sets have no members in common, their intersection is the empty set. In this case the sets are called disjoint.

Kinds of sets and their meanings?

There are various types of sets. A finite set has a limited number of members, such as the letters of the alphabet; an infinite set has an unlimited number of members, such as all whole numbers; an empty or null sethas no members, such as the number of people who have swum across the Atlantic Ocean, written as {} or ø; a single-element set has only one member, such as days of the week beginning with M, written as {Monday}. Equal sets have the same members; for example, if W = {days of the week} and S = {Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday}, it can be said that W = S. Sets with the same number of members are equivalent sets. Sets with some members in common are intersecting sets; for example, if R = {red playing cards} and F = {face cards}, then Rand Fshare the members that are red face cards. Sets with no members in common are disjoint sets. Sets contained within others aresubsets; for example, V = {vowels} is a subset of L = {letters of the alphabet}.Read more: Kinds_of_sets

Explain union and intersection of sets?

The union of two or more sets is a set containing all of the members in those sets. For example, the union of sets with members 1, 2, 3, and a set with members 3, 4, 5 is the set with members 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. So we can write:Let A = {1. 2. 3} and B = {3, 4, 5}, thenA∪B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}The intersection of two or more sets is the set containing only the members contained in every set. For example, the intersection of a set with members 1, 2, 3, and a set with members 3, 4, 5 is the set with only member 3. So we can write:Let A = {1. 2. 3} and B = {3, 4, 5}, thenA ∩ B = {3}

Why is it that the null set is a subset of all sets?

-- The null set is a set with no members. -- So it has no members that are absent from any other set.

What are the kinds of sets?

set contains two kinds a negative and positive set

What is the intersection set?

is the result after doing intersection on 2 or more sets. It contains the elements which are common to all the sets on which intersection were done.

What is a joint set?

Joint sets are sets that have common element.

What are the kinds of sets in college algebra?

Kinds of sets are: infinite set-the set continues on for infinity.There may not be an infinite amount of a thing you wear, it is limited to numbers. finite set-it has finite (countable) number of elements, it has unlimited numbers. numerical set-a set having only numbers as its elements, set prime numbers (2,3,5,7,11,13,17..) equal set-two sets are equal if they have precisely the same numbers. null set-its is a set with no elements or numbers. equivalent set-sets with the same numbers of members . intersecting sets-sets with some members in common. subsets-sets contained within others are subset.

Kinds of sets?

what are the kinds of setsIn mathematics, any collection of defined things (elements), provided the elements are distinct and that there is a rule to decide whether an element is a member of a set. It is usually denoted by a capital letter and indicated by curly brackets {}.For example, L may represent the set that consists of all the letters of the alphabet. The symbol Î stands for 'is a member of'; thus p Î L means that p belongs to the set consisting of all letters, and 4 Ï L means that 4 does not belong to the set consisting of all letters.There are various types of sets. A finite set has a limited number of members, such as the letters of the alphabet; an infinite set has an unlimited number of members, such as all whole numbers; an empty or null set has no members, such as the number of people who have swum across the Atlantic Ocean, written as {} or ø; a single-element set has only one member, such as days of the week beginning with M, written as {Monday}. Equal sets have the same members; for example, if W = {days of the week} and S = {Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday}, it can be said that W = S. Sets with the same number of members are equivalent sets. Sets with some members in common are intersecting sets; for example, if R = {red playing cards} and F = {face cards}, then R and Fshare the members that are red face cards. Sets with no members in common are disjoint sets. Sets contained within others are subsets; for example, V = {vowels} is a subset of L = {letters of the alphabet}.Sets and their interrelationships are often illustrated by a Venn diagram.See related link below for more information

What is disjants set?

Sets are not disjants, they are disjoint. And two sets are disjoint if they have nothing in common. For example, the set {1,3,5} has nothing in common with the set {2,4,6}. So they are disjoint.

Can a null set be in union with a set of numbers in math?

Yes. Union is an operation in which all the members of any two sets are placed in a common set. The union operation can be applied to the null set and any set but since it has no members, it does not change the set the union is taken with. It is rather like adding 0 to a number.

What is meant by the domain and range of a relation?

A relationship is a way of associating members of one set to members of another set (the two sets could be the same). The first of these sets is the domain and the second is the range.