I presume you mean intersecting. Two sets are intersecting if they have members in common. The set of members common to two (or more) sets is called the intersection of those sets. If two sets have no members in common, their intersection is the empty set. In this case the sets are called disjoint.
Empty set or null set
empty set is a set because its name indicate as it is the set.
There is only one empty set, also known as the null set. It is the set having no members at all. It is a subset of every set, since it has no member that is not a member of any other set.
There is no such concept as "proper set". Perhaps you mean "proper subset"; a set "A" is a "proper subset" of another set "B" if:It is a subset (every element of set A is also in set B)The sets are not equal, i.e., there are elements of set B that are not elements of set A.
an empty set does not have any element
you can breathe
They Drink Blood
no no no o
A challenge is something which is interseting, it involves you completely
If you meant interesting, just do anything ending in "ing". :)
That is an interseting question...i like stickers.
It's for my child.
he had 100 pts his first season playing for the Pittsburgh Penguins in the NHL
I had always found DBA job very challenging and interseting. Another reason is lot of opportunities.
kings were verey interseting i would have loved those king psuh lplz played you they were bad kings
that is a very interseting question she overcame being in a group to being alone and doing everything she had to do.