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Q: What is the shape of a mineral that has three directions of cleavage that intersect at 90 degrees?
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What are the 7 properties mineralogist use to identify ninerals?

Colour - however, this can be a very misleading property. Transparency - Is the crystal transparent, translucent or opaque Lustre - how shiney is the crystal is, there are various different types of lustre. Hardness - Expressed in a number between 0 and 10 on the Moh scale. Streak - the colour of the mineral in powdered form. Easily testable by scratching the mineral on a porcelain plate. Cleavage - Very characteristic to a mineral is what the preferred cleavage is. Mode of occurrence - Is it like needles, fibre, tabular, prismatic, etc.

What type of cleavage does feldspar have?

Plagioclase feldspar is a non-metallic mineral. It has 2 cleavages at nearly right angles. It is also differentiated from potassium feldspar because it contains striations. Potassium feldspar has 2 cleavages at nearly right angles.

Which mineral is a perfect square?

No mineral can be a perfect square: which is a two dimensional figure.No mineral can be a perfect square: which is a two dimensional figure.No mineral can be a perfect square: which is a two dimensional figure.No mineral can be a perfect square: which is a two dimensional figure.

What is the natural shape of a mineral?

The natural shape of a mineral would be its crystalline structure.

Which is the hardest mineral?

Diamond is the hardest mineral at Mohs hardness 10, ten being the hardest. There is no natural mineral substitute for processes requiring diamond. Diamond is four times as hard as corundum, the mineral constituting rubies and sapphires. Although diamond is the hardest naturally occurring mineral, it is easily fractured, a characteristic which allowed early jewellery makers to facet this crystal.

Related questions

How many directions of cleavage do the feldspar minerals have?

Feldspar minerals typically exhibit two directions of cleavage at nearly 90 degrees to each other. This cleavage produces flat surfaces that intersect at right angles.

One way to test a mineral is to break it and see how many directions of what it has?


Which mineral has perfect cleavage in six direction diamond fluorite sodalite and sphalerite?

Diamond has perfect cleavage in four directions, fluorite has perfect cleavage in four directions, sodalite has perfect cleavage in three directions, and sphalerite has perfect cleavage in six directions.

One way to test a mineral is to break it and see how many directions of what it what?

...directions of cleavage...

What is the ability of a mineral to break along preferred directions called?

The ability of a mineral to break along preferred directions is called cleavage. Cleavage is a result of the arrangement of atoms within the mineral structure, which causes it to break in certain directions more easily than others.

A mineral that splits along a flat surface in 3 directions is?

Muscovite is a mineral that splits along a flat surface in 3 directions due to its perfect cleavage. This mineral belongs to the mica group and is commonly found in metamorphic rocks.

What mineral has a cleavage that goes in 90 degree angles in three directions?

Rock salt.

What does the presence of cleavage planes within a mineral tell you about the chemical bonds that hold a mineral together?

minerals with cleavage break along smooth, flat surfaces in one or more directions.

How does cobaltite fracture?

The mineral cobaltite, CoAsS, has a brittle fracture, and exhibits good cleavage in three directions.

How does a mineral break into smooth pieces when a tool is used to break it?

Minerals break into smooth pieces when a tool is used due to cleavage, which is the tendency of a mineral to break along certain planes of weakness where atomic bonds are weaker. When a tool is applied in the direction of these weak planes, the mineral breaks cleanly and smoothly, creating flat surfaces.

When a mineral breaks along a weakly bonded plane?

It exhibits cleavage, which is the tendency of a mineral to break along certain planes of weakness determined by its atomic structure. Cleavage is a property seen in minerals with strong bonds in certain directions but weaker bonds in other directions. The resulting flat, shiny surfaces are a result of the breakage along these weakly bonded planes.

Examines a mineral's ability to break into even pieces?

Cleavage is a minerals ability to break into even pieces useful for identification. Cleavage in two directions equals Feldspar for example.