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Q: What is the shape of a normal head?
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The linings of the duodenum and surrounding tissues will look smooth and even. The shape of the head of the pancreas will appear normal and near the duodenal wall.

What type is the Pokemon Doduo?

Doduo is a Normal-Flying type, but it also shape-shifts when it evolves into Dodrio, growing an extra head in the process. :)

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The Ragdoll cat's ideal head shape is broad with a modified wedge shape.

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What shape is a black racer's head?

A Black racers head is more of a roundish oval shape

What is apert?

a genetic disease in which the seams between the skull bones, feet, and hands close earlier than normal. this affects the shape of the head, feet, and hands.

What shape is a saltwater dolphin?

the shape of a peanut head

Is your head round?

Nobody's head is perfectly round. It is a free-form shape. Everybody's is a different shape.

What is the ideal head shape of a Burmese cat?

The ideal head shape of the Burmese cat is wedge-shaped.

What is the ideal head shape of an Italian Greyhound?

The Ideal head shape of the Italian Greyhound is elongated and narrow.

What describes the shape of a distribution which is approximately normal?

A "bell" shape.

After bumping your head is a bruise with a bump normal?

of course not , what the fu** how is it normal ? dic* head