Plate tectonics
Its about like a square but has a point on the top
its the shape of somthing or how a building is placed(archiect) or if the land is abale to hold it
the forces create mountains, valleys, volcanoes, canyons, etc.
i think it was to be safe from attacks coming from the bordering enemies( Indians spanish ect. ) & that specific shape was easier because the land was very swampy.
There is no name for the shape of the land in costa rica.
How did ancient indias land shape its civalization
Relief is a term that is used to describe land's physical shape. It describes the height, slope, shape, and aspect of land.
They both shape the land by sweeping away parts of the land by water or wind
I think it is a triangle shape as most big land yachts are.
India has a triangle like shape.
shape of the lan means how the land was shaped
Topography refers to the shape or height of the land. It includes features such as mountains, valleys, and plateaus.
A Manatee (also known as the sea cow) are not known to shape the land. There is no scientific evidence that this mammal has anything to do with shaping the land.
a boot
Topography is the name for the shape that land can take, including features such as mountains, valleys, and plateaus.