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Assuming the earth to be a perfect sphere, the shortest distance is an arc of the great circle. The two places and the centre of the earth define a plane. The great circle is the circle formed by the intersection of that plane and the surface of the earth. The shortest route between the two places is the smaller of the two arcs along that circle.

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Q: What is the shortest most direct route between any two points on te surface of the earth?
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What is the shortest route between 2 points on the surface of a planet?

The shortest route between 2 points on the surface of a planet is a great circle route, which is a path that follows the circumference of a circle formed by the intersection of the planet's surface and a plane passing through its center. This route represents the shortest distance between the two points.

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The shortest, most direct path between two points is linear.

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The shortest, most direct path between two points is linear.

Shortest distance between two points on the earth?

The two points and the centre of the earth define a plane, and the intersection of this plane with the surface of the earth is a circle - the "Great Circle". The shortest distance between the two points is the smaller of the two arcs on this circle.

What is the shortest distance between two points called?

The shortest distance between any two points is called displacement.

Is the shortest path between two points a straight line?

Yes, on a plane surface (a flat sheet of paper, for example).

Why is there no such thing as 2 sided polygons?

actually, there is, depending on your definition of polygon, and your definition of a line segment. A line segment is the shortest path btwn two points, right? So take a sphere and pick any two points on that sphere. The shortest path between them on the surface of the sphere would be a "curve" along the surface, but it's the shortest path between the points, so it technally is a line segment. Take two of these line segments that intersect at two points, and there is your two sided polygon!

How can you determine what is the shortest length?

A Straight Line is always the shortest distance between two points.

What is the distance between two points?

In plane geometry, the shortest distance between two points is a line. In spherical geometry, the shortest distance between two points is a segment of a great circle. The distance between one point and another is known as the displacement.

What is the shortest distance between four points?

The shortest distance between four points is a straight line to and from each individual point. If all four points are aligned, the result will be a single straight line through all four points.

What is the shortest measurement between two points?

nanometers are 1 billionth of a centimiter Theoretically, a nanometer can still be divided into smaller units. A point is also theoretical and has no dimensions, so there is no shortest distance.

What is the shortest distance between teo points?

a straight line