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A tetrahedron is the simplest polytope with strictly triangular faces. The tetrahedron has six faces and has slightly raised two opposite vertices of the base of a quadratic pyramid.

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Q: What is the simplest polytope with strictly triangular faces?
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What shape can have a triangular base and triangular faces?

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1. triangular prism it has 2 triangular faces. 2.triangular base pyramid, it has 5 triangular faces. 3. square base pyramid, it has 4 triangular faces.

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Triangular Pyramid......... The faces are Triangular....

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There are several triangular polyhedra. The simplest is a tetrahedron with 4 faces, but you can have a triangular dipyramid (two tetrahedra stuck together along one face) which has 6 faces. Then there is the icosahedron with 20 faces. The tetrahedron and icosahedron are Platonic solids, but there are many more.

How many shapes of faces does a triangular pyramid has?

A triangular pyramid has four triangular faces.

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What HAS 4 triangular faces?? A tetrahedron.

What has 5 faces and 2 of your faces are triangular?

It is a triangular prism.

Which has the most triangular faces a triangular pyramid or a square pyramid?

Each of them has four triangular faces.