525/1000 = 21/40
525% = 21/4
If you divide both the numerator and denominator by 25, you get 21/40.
14/175 is.
0.5833 = 5833/10000 There is no reduced simplification of this fraction. 0.46875 = 46875/100000 This fraction can be simplified to 15/32. NOTE : If 0.5833 has 3 as a recurring number then this equates to 525/900 which can be simplified to 7/12.
525/1000 = 21/40
525% = 21/4
It is: 35/525 = 1/15 simplified
If you divide both the numerator and denominator by 25, you get 21/40.
It is 525/1000 = 21/40 simplified
14/175 is.
It cannot be simplified any further.
It is 4/15.
0.5833 = 5833/10000 There is no reduced simplification of this fraction. 0.46875 = 46875/100000 This fraction can be simplified to 15/32. NOTE : If 0.5833 has 3 as a recurring number then this equates to 525/900 which can be simplified to 7/12.
0.5833333333333333333333333333 is, itself, a fraction. It is a fraction in decimal form rather than in the form of a ratio. However, that does not stop it being a fraction. Its equivalent, in rational form, is 5833333333333333333333333333/10000000000000000000000000000 which cannot be simplified.
No - those numbers have no common factors. The only factors of 253 are 1, 11, 23 & 253, none of which (except 1) divide evenly into 525.
0.525 written as a fraction = 525/1000