

What is the sin of 3 pi?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What is the sin of 3 pi?
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What is the exact value using a sum or difference formula of the expression cos 11pi over 12?

11pi/12 = pi - pi/12 cos(11pi/12) = cos(pi - pi/12) cos(a-b) = cos(a)cos(b)+sin(a)sin(b) cos(pi -pi/12) = cos(pi)cos(pi/12) + sin(pi)sin(pi/12) sin(pi)=0 cos(pi)=-1 Therefore, cos(pi -pi/12) = -cos(pi/12) pi/12=pi/3 -pi/4 cos(pi/12) = cos(pi/3 - pi/4) = cos(pi/3)cos(pi/4)+sin(pi/3) sin(pi/4) cos(pi/3)=1/2 sin(pi/3)=sqrt(3)/2 cos(pi/4)= sqrt(2)/2 sin(pi/4) = sqrt(2)/2 cos(pi/3)cos(pi/4)+sin(pi/3) sin(pi/4) = (1/2)(sqrt(2)/2 ) + (sqrt(3)/2)( sqrt(2)/2) = sqrt(2)/4 + sqrt(6) /4 = [sqrt(2)+sqrt(6)] /4 Therefore, cos(pi/12) = (sqrt(2)+sqrt(6))/4 -cos(pi/12) = -(sqrt(2)+sqrt(6))/4 cos(11pi/12) = -(sqrt(2)+sqrt(6))/4

What is the sin of pi divided by 3?

The question is ambiguous and the two possible answers are: sin(pi)/3 = 0 and sin(pi/3) = sqrt(3)/2 It is assumed, of course, that since the angles are given in terms of pi, they are measured in radians and not degrees!

Why does sin 2pi over 6 radians equal .5?

Sin(2*pi/6) = sin(pi/3) which, by definition, is 0.5 If you wish, you can calculate y/1! - y^3/3! + y^5/5! - y^7/7! + ... where y = pi/3.

What is the sin of pi?

sin(pi) = 0

What is the derivative of cos pi x plus sin pi y all to the 8th power equals 44?

(cos(pi x) + sin(pi y) )^8 = 44 differentiate both sides with respect to x 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 d/dx ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y) = 0 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 (-sin (pi x) pi + cos (pi y) pi dy/dx ) = 0 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 (pi cos(pi y) dy/dx - pi sin (pi x) ) = 0 cos(pi y) dy/dx - pi sin(pi x) = 0 cos(pi y) dy/dx = sin(pi x) dy/dx = sin (pi x) / cos(pi y)

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What is sin of 3 pi over 2?

sin pi/2 =1 sin 3 pi/2 is negative 1 ( it is in 3rd quadrant where sin is negative

What is the exact value using a sum or difference formula of the expression cos 11pi over 12?

11pi/12 = pi - pi/12 cos(11pi/12) = cos(pi - pi/12) cos(a-b) = cos(a)cos(b)+sin(a)sin(b) cos(pi -pi/12) = cos(pi)cos(pi/12) + sin(pi)sin(pi/12) sin(pi)=0 cos(pi)=-1 Therefore, cos(pi -pi/12) = -cos(pi/12) pi/12=pi/3 -pi/4 cos(pi/12) = cos(pi/3 - pi/4) = cos(pi/3)cos(pi/4)+sin(pi/3) sin(pi/4) cos(pi/3)=1/2 sin(pi/3)=sqrt(3)/2 cos(pi/4)= sqrt(2)/2 sin(pi/4) = sqrt(2)/2 cos(pi/3)cos(pi/4)+sin(pi/3) sin(pi/4) = (1/2)(sqrt(2)/2 ) + (sqrt(3)/2)( sqrt(2)/2) = sqrt(2)/4 + sqrt(6) /4 = [sqrt(2)+sqrt(6)] /4 Therefore, cos(pi/12) = (sqrt(2)+sqrt(6))/4 -cos(pi/12) = -(sqrt(2)+sqrt(6))/4 cos(11pi/12) = -(sqrt(2)+sqrt(6))/4

What is the sin of pi divided by 3?

The question is ambiguous and the two possible answers are: sin(pi)/3 = 0 and sin(pi/3) = sqrt(3)/2 It is assumed, of course, that since the angles are given in terms of pi, they are measured in radians and not degrees!

Is sin3A plus sinA equal to 0?

No, for example if A = Pi/3. Then sin3A = sin pi = 0, but sinA = sin Pi/3 = 1/2. So for A = Pi/3, the sum is 1/2, not zero. It can't be proved because the statement is false. For example if A = Pi/3. Then sin3A = sin pi = 0, but sinA = sin Pi/3 = 1/2. So for A = Pi/3, the sum is 1/2, not zero.

Why does sin 2pi over 6 radians equal .5?

Sin(2*pi/6) = sin(pi/3) which, by definition, is 0.5 If you wish, you can calculate y/1! - y^3/3! + y^5/5! - y^7/7! + ... where y = pi/3.

What is the sin of pi?

sin(pi) = 0

What is the period for y-3 sin x?

y = 3 sin x The period of this function is 2 pi.

What is sin of -pi?

sin(-pi) = sin(-180) = 0 So the answer is 0

What is the value of sin 3 pi over 2?

sin(3π/2) = -1

What is the derivative of cos pi x plus sin pi y all to the 8th power equals 44?

(cos(pi x) + sin(pi y) )^8 = 44 differentiate both sides with respect to x 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 d/dx ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y) = 0 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 (-sin (pi x) pi + cos (pi y) pi dy/dx ) = 0 8 ( cos(pi x) + sin (pi y ) )^7 (pi cos(pi y) dy/dx - pi sin (pi x) ) = 0 cos(pi y) dy/dx - pi sin(pi x) = 0 cos(pi y) dy/dx = sin(pi x) dy/dx = sin (pi x) / cos(pi y)

How do you solve sin2x plus sinX equals 0?

sin(2x) + sin(x) = 0 2sin(x)cos(x) + sin(x) = 0 sin(x)[2cos(x) + 1] = 0 sin(x) = 0 OR 2cos(x) + 1 = 0 sin(x) = 0 OR cos(x) = -1/2 x = n*pi OR x = 2/3*pi + 2n*pi OR x = -2/3*pi + 2n*pi x = pi*[2n + (0 OR 2/3 OR 1 OR 4/3)] Note that n may be any integer. The solutions in [-2pi, 2pi] are: -2pi, -4/3pi, -pi, -2/3pi, 0, 2/3pi, pi, 4/3pi, 2pi

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Problem: find three solutions to z^3=-1. DeMoivre's theorem is that (cos b + i sin b)^n = cos bn + i sin bn So we can set z= (cos b + i sin b), n = 3 cos bn + i sin bn = -1. From the last equation, we know that cos bn = -1, and sin bn = 0. Three possible solutions are bn=pi, bn=3pi, bn=5pi. This gives three possible values of b: b=pi/3 b=pi b = 5pi/3. Now using z= (cos b + i sin b), we can get three possible cube roots of -1: z= (cos pi/3 + i sin pi/3), z= (cos pi + i sin pi), z= (cos 5pi/3 + i sin 5pi/3). Working these out gives -1/2+i*sqrt(3)/2 -1 -1/2-i*sqrt(3)/2