

What is the size of a desk?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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50cm - 20cm roughly, why do you want to know this anyway?

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Vivianne Schamberger

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1y ago
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Q: What is the size of a desk?
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What is a length of a desk?

It depends on what type of desk it could be any size.

Is a desk 3 feet long or 3 yards long?

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Typically, you measure a desk height with feet and a desk width with feet also. But, it depends on the size.

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24x48 in.

What is the weight of a desk?

The weight of a desk is around 10-20 pounds, depending on the size.

What is the average size of a school desk?

School desk vary greatly in size: from school to school and from country to country. When at school we had triple and double desks, other schools had mainly singles.

What is the standard size of an l shaped desk?

The standard size of an L-shaped desk is 31" tall, 72" wide and 71" deep at the deepest. You can purchase most of them for under $600.

how big is the school desk long wise ?

The average size of a school desk is thirty seven by fifty centimeters so a typical desktop computer should fit on a desk of this average size. It may not leave much room for a keyboard or mouse, but it will fit the monitor.

What is the average size of a desk?

The average computer desk is 24 inches wide, 30 inches high and 24 inches deep.

How much dose a desk weigh?

The weight of a desk can vary depending on the size, material, and design. On average, a typical desk can weigh anywhere from 50 to 150 pounds.

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