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90 degrees

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Q: What is the size of one angle in a square?
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How can you be certain that the angle you create form a square inside the circle?

You cannot. The size of an angle is not sufficient to define a square - it could be one of many other polygons.

What is the cosine of angle b?

I could answer that for you in a snap if I knew the size of angle 'b'.Without that information, no answer is possible.Wait! There is an answer. Not a useful one, but an answer nonetheless.The cosine of angle 'b' is the square root of [ 1 minus the square of the sine of angle 'b' ] .You heard it here first.

Which quadrilaterals have all its angle the same size?

A square and a rectangle.

What has two equal sides one square one angle?

one angle

What is the title of this picture to D-60?

Wrecked angle with square foot

How does a square have a right angle?

That is one of the definitional aspects of a square.

What is a square angle?

A right angle. Ninety degrees. Put more simply, but that answer is the correct one, look at a square, a real square, and then at the corner...that is a right angle, ninety degrees, square angle.

What size is the interior angle of each corner of a square?

Each angle is 90 degrees. 90 x 4 = 360 degrees

Can a right angle be represented by an arc or does it have to be represented by a square?

Its normally represented by a square so that at a glance you know its size is 90 degrees

Does a square based pyrmaid has no right angle?

Only the four corners of the square base will have a right angle, one in each corner.

What is the name of the little square on the right angle?

It is called the right angle! Smart one!

Does a rhombus with at least one right angle have to be a square?

it wouldn't be a rhombus if it had a right angle.