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Maximum speed is about 220 to 230mph and can be achieved after about 20 seconds of freefall. Normal parachute opening speed should be not greater that 120mph to avoid damage to the parachute

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Q: What is the skydiver's downward velocity?
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Why do skydivers reach terminal velocity?

Skydivers reach terminal velocity because as they fall, the force of gravity pulling them downward is balanced by air resistance pushing upward. At terminal velocity, these forces are equal, so the skydiver stops accelerating and falls at a constant speed.

What is the terminal velocity of skydivers?

187 miles per hour.

What is downward velocity?

Downward velocity refers to the speed at which an object is falling towards the ground or moving in a downward direction. It is commonly measured in units such as meters per second or feet per second. A positive downward velocity indicates the object is accelerating downward, while a negative velocity means the object is moving upward.

Do all skydivers fall at the same speed?

No, skydivers fall at different speeds depending on their body position and weight. However, experienced skydivers often aim for a terminal velocity of around 120 mph (193 km/h) to maximize their control and safety during freefall.

Downward velocity is considered a negative. true or false?

True. In the context of physics, downward velocity is typically assigned a negative direction because it is opposite to the positive direction conventionally chosen as the upward direction.

What is a skydivers downwords velocity after 1 second when falling from a hovering helicopter?

Neglecting air resistance his velocity after 1 second will be 9.81 m/sec or 32.2 ft/sec.

Does a skydivers decreases her acceleration when falling 5 seconds before reaching her terminal velocity?

No, a skydiver's acceleration remains constant as they fall towards their terminal velocity. This is because terminal velocity is the point at which the forces of gravity and air resistance are balanced, resulting in a constant velocity.

When skydivers jump out of a plane they move down through the air faster and faster as they fall. Once they reach a speed of about 200 kilometres per hour they no longer speed up. Explain why.?

As a skydiver falls, they accelerate due to the force of gravity. However, they eventually reach their terminal velocity when the upward force of air resistance balances the downward force of gravity. At terminal velocity, the forces are balanced and the skydiver no longer accelerates.

What is the duration of The Skydivers?

The duration of The Skydivers is 1.25 hours.

What is velocity at which a falling object travels when the force of air resistence matches exactly the downward force of gravity?

terminal velocity

Velocity at which a falling object travels when the force of air resistance exactly matches the downward force of gravity is called?

Terminal velocity.

When the skydiver steps out of the helicopter someone who's watching starts a stopwatch. So the time is zero as the skydiver steps out of the plane. What is the skydiver's downward velocity at that?

At the moment the skydiver exits the helicopter, their downward velocity is initially zero. As they fall due to gravity, their velocity will increase over time.