10234 If you're cheap, you can go 01234
The smallest possible 9 digit number (assuming negatives are not allowed) is 102,345,678 in which 5 is in the thousands' place.
Examples of 9 digit numbers without repeating a digit: 123,456,789 876,543,210 714,825,369 Because you want the smallest number (I missed this part of the question 102345678 is the smallest (01... smaller still if you allow leading zero) If you are allowed decimals however, the smallest number would be: 0.12345678 (assuming you count the leading 0) For the second question (what is the value of the digit 2): 2 represents the number two, the number between one (1) and three (3).
The largest number with no repetition of digits (if that is what is meant) is 9876543210. The "smallest" number with no repetition is the negative of that if we allow negative numbers so the difference is zero. If by "smallest" we mean non-negative number, the smallest number with no repetition is 0 so the difference is the original number, 9876543210. If by "smallest" we mean smallest positive number, the smallest positive number without repeating digits is .01, so the difference is 9876543209.99. The unambiguous way to write a number smaller than 1 is to prefix it with "0." To be extremely precise, if by "no repetition" you mean to require that form and to exclude 0.01 because there are two zeros, then the smallest positive number "without repetition" is 0.1 and the difference is 9876543209.9. Everything depends on exactly what is meant by the question. It is important to avoid ambiguity in mathematics - and in everything else.
12345 but if you can use a decimal, then 0.1234 would be the smallest possible number.
10234 If you're cheap, you can go 01234
It is 0.123459
What is the 5digit number result lotto on Thursday in nigeria
The smallest possible 9 digit number (assuming negatives are not allowed) is 102,345,678 in which 5 is in the thousands' place.
Two versions of this question have been merged ... the one that asks forthe smallest 5-digit number, and the one that asks for the largest.If we're talking integers (whole numbers), then-- the largest 5-digit number with no repeating digits is 98,765 .-- the smallest one is 10,234 .-- If decimals are included, then the largest number is the same,but the smallest one is .01234 .
Examples of 9 digit numbers without repeating a digit: 123,456,789 876,543,210 714,825,369 Because you want the smallest number (I missed this part of the question 102345678 is the smallest (01... smaller still if you allow leading zero) If you are allowed decimals however, the smallest number would be: 0.12345678 (assuming you count the leading 0) For the second question (what is the value of the digit 2): 2 represents the number two, the number between one (1) and three (3).