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To see how it works:

The division rule for 11 is that sum of the digits in odd positions, and the sum of the digits in even positions should be the same or differ by a multiple of 11.

Here there is a set of 5 numbers that together add to 20. It is therefore not possible to have two subsets whose difference will be a multiple of 11. So the two subsets must add to 10 (half the total). Thus you have a pair whose sum is 10 an a triplet whose sum is 10.

The only possible pair adding to 10 is {4,6} which leave {2,3,5} as the triplet.

The last stage is to alternate number from the triplet and pair, taking the smallest unused one at each step.

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Q: What is the smallest 5 digit number divisible by 11 and containing each of the digits 2 3 4 5 6?
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