An integer is a whole number. So zero could be the smallest integer.
1 is the smallest positive integer. But if you include negative integers, there is no smallest.
That's correct - there is none. For any integer, you can subtract one to get an even smaller integer.
Division by an integer is always defined only when the divisor is not zero
An integer is a whole number. So zero could be the smallest integer.
There is no such number. If you restrict yourself to integers, there are numbers - such as primes, that are not divisible by an integer other than one. And if you do not restrict yourself to intgers, then there is no smallest number sincce given any number, half that number will be smaller and will be a divisor.
A rational number is always the result of dividing an integer when the divisor is nonzero.
1 is the smallest positive integer. But if you include negative integers, there is no smallest.
That's correct - there is none. For any integer, you can subtract one to get an even smaller integer.
is called a factor.
I think you meant LCD's and GCD's. GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) It is the largest positive integer that divides the numbers without a remainder. LCD (Lowest Common Denominator) It is the smallest positive integer that is a multiple of the denominators.
The number zero is not the smallest positive integer. The number one is the smallest positive integer.
Division by an integer is always defined only when the divisor is not zero
2+(-2) =0