It is 7 because as the product of its prime factors they are: 7*151*223 = 235,711
The next prime number after 235,711 is 235,723
Prime numbers, raised to a power, have one more factor than their exponents. The smallest prime number is 2. 210 has eleven factors. 210 = 1024
If a number has 5 factors then it most certainly is not prime. Hence there is some confusion as to what you are asking here.
16 if the prime factors don't have to be distinct. 210 if they do.
No, it is divisible by 7.
The next prime number after 235,711 is 235,723
The smallest prime factors are 2,3,5,7 thus the smallest number would be the product of these will be 210
70 is the smallest number that has prime factors of 2,5 and 7
Logically, the smallest number with 4 different prime factors would have to be the product of the smallest four prime numbers. So the smallest natural number with four different prime factors is 210 (2*3*5*7).
There isn't one. Negative numbers have prime factors and numbers don't stop. The smallest positive numbers with a prime factor is 2.
Well, darling, the smallest number with 2, 5, and 7 as prime factors is 70. You see, 2 x 5 x 7 equals 70, and that's the tiniest number you can whip up with those prime factors. So, there you have it, sweet cheeks, the answer is 70.
The smallest positive integer is 3.
Starting from beginning we see that 0 has infinite factors so it is a composite number and 1 is neither prime nor composite. The next number is 2 which has only two factors so it is the smallest Prime number.
The first prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11. When multiplied together the product is 2310. It is the smallest number that has the first five numbers as its factors.
It is: 30
How about: 210