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Q: What is the smallest possible total of a number and its square?
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What are the five smallest states in the US by land area starting with the smallest?

Rhode Island has 1,033 square miles of land area. It is the smallest U.S. state based on total land area. The next smallest states are Delaware with 1,948 square miles, Connecticut with 4,842 square miles, Hawaii with 6,422 square miles, and New Jersey with 7,354 square miles of total land area.

What is the largest and smallest state in the pacific states?

The Pacific states are Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, and Washington. Alaska is the largest state in the U.S. with total land area of 570,640 square miles. Hawaii is the smallest of the Pacific states with a total land area of 6,422 square miles and a total area (land and water) of 10,931 square miles. California has total area of 163,394 square miles and total land area of 155,779 square miles. Oregon has total area of 98,378 square miles and total land area of 95,988 square miles. Washington has total area of 71,297 square miles and total land area of 66,455 square miles.

State with the smallest land area?

Rhode Island is the smallest state in total land area. It is 1,545 square miles.

Which is the smallest state in the world?

Vatican City with a total area of 0.44 square kilometers is the smallest independent country of the world.

What are the smallest states in square miles?

The smallest state in the US is Rhode Island with a total area of 1,545 square miles.

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The smallest is 55.

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Which of the 4 oceans has the smallest area?

The Arctic Ocean has the smallest area of the 5 oceans. The Arctic Ocean has a total of 5,427,000 square miles.

What is the third smallest state in the US?

Connecticut is the third smallest state in the United States

What is the smallest country in Polynesia?

The smallest country in Polynesia is Tuvalu, comprised of nine small islands with a total land area of about 10 square miles.

What is the tenth smallest state in the us?

West Virginia is the 10th smallest state based on total area. It is 24,229.76 square miles. Maine is the 10th smallest state based on population.

What is the smallest county in Utah?

The smallest county in Utah as far as land area is Davis County. Davis County has 304 square miles of land area and 329 square miles of water. The total area of the county is 634 square miles. Morgan County is the smallest in terms of total area with 611 square miles of area, 609 square miles of land and 2 square miles of water. The above figures come from the U.S. Census Bureau.