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Q: What is the solution for Penny is asked to find the probability of rolling a 5 on a die and drawing a jack from a deck of cards?
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What is the probability of rolling a penny on heads and roll a three?

1/2 for penny and 1/6 for dice

When a penny and a nickel are tossed. find the probability that the penny shows heads given that the nickel shows heads?

The probability is 0.5

What is the probability of getting tails on a penny?

1/2 or 50%

Who developed probability theorem?

penny the turtle she was a miraculous scientist and was plaing an ancient game of ally algorithm Penny at age 15 was known as a mignificent figure. Her creation of probability was a tru phenominon

What is the probability of choosing a penny from the 1980s from the bag of pennies without looking is mc003-1.jpg. Which term best describes this probability?

It is incalculable.

What is the probability of a penny landing on heads?

Simple question, difficult answer. It depends on how many times you want the penny to land on heads. The probability of a penny landing on heads once is 1 in 2. For it to land on heads twice is 1 in 4, for three times it is 1 in 8, and so on and so forth.

What is the probability that a penny will land heads up?

The probability of heads is 0.5 or 1/2. This is wrong, the chances of a penny landing heads up is less than 0.5 because the cast in Lincoln's head weighs more than the tails side of the peeny.

What does it mean when a penny rolls off the top of your head out of no where?

Wow!! That's Creepy

If you flip a penny a nickel a dime and a quarter simultaneously what is the probability that the penny and the nickel will come up heads and the dime and quarter come up tails?

1/16 These are four independent events each with a 1/2 probability. The probability that all four occur (penny and nickels heads and dime and quarter tails) is: 1/2*1/2*1/2*1/2=(1/2)4=1/16.

What is the probability of choosing a penny from the 1980s from the bag of pennies without looking is Which term best describes this probability?

There are many countries which use a penny as a minor unit of currency - including the US where it is not really a penny, but a cent! So it is necessary to knowwhich country's currency the question is about,how many 1 penny coins from 1980, and other years are in the bag.There is no way to make a sensible estimate without this information.

Why does ammonia change color if it cleans a penny?

When ammonia cleans a penny, it reacts with the copper oxide layer on the penny's surface. This reaction removes the oxide layer and exposes the shiny copper underneath, causing the penny to appear brighter or even change color.

Can probability have a value of 35 percent?

Of course. If there are seven pennies and thirteen dimes in a bowl, and you pick up one coin with your eyes closed, the probability of picking up a penny is 35%.