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It is incalculable.

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Q: What is the probability of choosing a penny from the 1980s from the bag of pennies without looking is mc003-1.jpg. Which term best describes this probability?
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What is the probability of choosing a penny from the 1980s from the bag of pennies without looking is Which term best describes this probability?

There are many countries which use a penny as a minor unit of currency - including the US where it is not really a penny, but a cent! So it is necessary to knowwhich country's currency the question is about,how many 1 penny coins from 1980, and other years are in the bag.There is no way to make a sensible estimate without this information.

What are the three ways that probability can be expressed?

Probability can be expressed as a ratio, a fraction, or a decimal. For example if there are 4 red balls and 4 white balls in a bucket and you pick one without looking the probability (chance) that you will pick a red ball is a half, because half the balls are that colour. You can say that the probability of that happening is 1/2 or 50% or 0.5 The probability is the same for choosing a white ball. * * * * * There is a fourth way, and that is in the form of odds.

If there are 6 green balls 3 red balls and 1 pink ball in a container what is the probability of choosing a green ball without looking in the container first?

6/10 or reduced is 3/5

What is difference between proportion and probability?

Proportion is the probability of a selected sample. probability is the true probability of all cases. If this is not what you are looking for then please specify.

What is favorable probability?

Favourable probability is the probability that the outcome that you are looking for does actually occur.As an aside, "favourable" can be an unfortunate word if you are looking for the probability of an undesirable outcome - being the victim of a fatal incidence. Not many would consider that as being "favourable".

What is the theoretical probability of getting 4 tails out of ten throws?

theoretical probability is one half experimental probability is four tenths this is because to find theoretical probability you need to do number of outcomes you were looking for over the number of outcomes possible experimental probability is number of turns that were what you were looking for over the number of turns

What is the probability that three times in a row without looking you can pick out an outmeal cookie without replacing them?

whats the probability that three times in a row without looking i can pick out an outmeal cookie without replacing them?

How to solve probability questions?

Count the total number of ways it can turn out. Count the number of ways that are the condition you're looking for. The probability of the outcome you're looking for is is the second number divided by the first number.

What is a fraction that tells you the likelihood of an event?

I suspect the word you're looking for is "probability."

What word is used to measure the likelihood that an event will happen?

I think that the word you are looking for is 'probability.'

What is the word that mean a hypothetical question about a future event?

The word you're looking for is "speculation."

What words best describes looking for services for someone?
