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By definition, an identity is true for all values of the variable. So the solution is the whole of the domain.

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Q: What is the solution of an identity?
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Why is the solution to an identity all real numbers?

That is how an identity is defined. If the solution was not true for all numbers, then it would not be called an identity. In fact, it should be true for all complex numbers as well.

Is 16 equals 16 no solution?

16 = 16 is an identity, not an equation. An identity does not have solutions.

What is the solution in the book double identity?

the solution is that bethany finds out about her self and finds out about elizabeth

What is the solution set for an identity?

It depends on what identity you are talking about whether its multiplicative inverse to additive inverse i mean you have to be more specific

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At the end of the story her parents tell her what happened and who she is, which is the problem.

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Okonkwo wished to drive the Christians from the land.

How was a mineral formed?

normally form from hot aqueous solution(hydrothermal solution) or as a results of the condensation of gases with controlling factors of temperature,prussure and identity and proportion of the elements presents.

How a mineral form?

normally form from hot aqueous solution(hydrothermal solution) or as a results of the condensation of gases with controlling factors of temperature,prussure and identity and proportion of the elements presents.

When you melt and burn sugar does is its identity still sugar?

No,if we melt sugar it decomposes and forms a sour solution that is not sugar.

What dose solution mean?

When two or more substance are mixed together, in a way so that they lose their individual identity and form a new type of compound then that mixture is known as solution, for e.g. when sugar or salt is mixed in water it become solution

What is an infinite solution?

The equation or a system of equations having infinite solutions is called identity/identities. (a+b)^2=a^2+2ab+b^2 is an identity. It has infinite solutions. The equation is true for all values of a and b.

Vapor-pressure lowering is a colligative property of a solution which means that it depends only upon .?

the concentration of solute particles in the solution, regardless of the identity of the solute.