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It means that values are assigned to each of the variables in such a way that, when replacing the variables for those values, EACH of the equations will be true.

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Q: What is the solution of the system means in math?
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What does solution mean in math?

C ; solution means the answer to an addition problem in math .

What does no solution mean in math?

it means no solution. no answer. cant be answered

What is the definition for a solution in math?

Solution really just means the answer to the question that the problem is asking.

If there is no solution to a system of equations it means?

extraneous solution. or the lines do not intersect. There is no common point (solution) for the system of equation.

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What does solution mean in mathNot just no solution 12 letter word with last letter is T?

It means the answer.In math solution is nothing but a specific method to generate some answers for specific problems. It is basically the answer. for math solutions you can go through find math solution site. Which will help you getting more solved math problems.

What does metric system in math means?

It is a system of units used for measuring physical attributes of objects.

What is the term for 'no solution' in math?

"no solution"

What does it mean to be a solution to a system of equations?

basically it means an answer for a multiplication problem

What does metric means in math?

It is a system of units used for measuring physical attributes of objects.

How do you show work on what is hibve math worksheet?

That means that you don't just show the final solution, but all the calculations that you did to obtain the answer.

What is solution in math?

an answer to a problem