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Seriously? 60 miles per hour.....

It would take 2 hours to travel the distance if that's what you meant to ask.

Speed = Distance/Time so Time = Distance/Speed

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Q: What is the speed of a train traveling a distance of 120 miles at 60 MPH?
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How long would it take to travel 46 miles by train?

Speed = distance / time, so time = distance / speed. Therefore, to get the answer, divide 46 miles by the speed of the train.

How far is 30 miles when traveling on the train?

30 miles is always 30 miles. It does not matter what method of transport you are using to move over that distance. Therefore, 30 miles on a train is the same distance as 30 miles on foot. Obviously, walking will take more time, but the distance is the same. If the question is "How much time will it take for the train to travel 30 miles?" then you will need to specify the particular points of origin and destination because no two train lines go exactly the same speed.

Train A and B are traveling in the same direction on parelle tracks. Train A is traveling at 40 miles per hour and train B is traveling at 50 miles per hour.?

That's nice.Train B will pass Train A at a relative speed of 10 miles per hour.After that, Train B will increase its lead in front of Train A by 10 miles for every hour they both continue rolling.

Distance between madurai to Salem?

Distance from Salem to Madurai is 243 Kilometers / 151 Miles.4 to 5 hr traveling time by Train

If a train is traveling at 60 mph for a distance of 7 miles how long will it take to arrive?

The train is travelling 60 miles in 60 minutes, therefore, it would take 7 minutes for it to travel 7 miles.

What is the speed of a loaded freight train if it takes about one mile to make complete stop?

The speed of a loaded freight train would be approximately 60 miles per hour if it takes about one mile to make a complete stop. The stopping distance of a train is typically about one mile when traveling at that speed.

Distance divided by time is a measure of?

Rate. The official equation is r=d/t, or rate=distance divided by time. Example: A train is traveling about 450 miles to Spain. It gets there in 5 hours. Set up your equation: r=d/t r=450/5 r=90 which means that the train was traveling at a rate/speed of 90 miles per hour. If you are unsure of the answer just plug it in and check it. 90=450/5 90=90 True Now you have verified your equation, and the answer is that the train was traveling 90 mph.

What is the minimum distance required to stop the train?

This depends upon the type of train, its tonnage. and the speed it is travelling. Passenger trains can stop much faster than a freight train. A passenger train at normal speeds of 60mph to 110 mph can be stopped in well under a mile, minimum distance as short as 2500 feet. A heavy freight train traveling at 40mph can take nearly 2 miles to stop.

What is the distance from Xian to Urumqi China?

The distance from Xi'an to Urumqi in China is approximately 2,200 kilometers (about 1,367 miles) when traveling by air. Traveling by train or road will be longer.

How do you calculate the speed of a moving train?

To calculate the speed of a moving train, you can use the formula speed = distance/time. Measure the distance the train travels and the time it takes to cover that distance. Then, divide the distance by the time to find the speed of the train.

How long by train from Venice Italy to bolzano Italy?

If the train traveling speed is at least 80 miles per hour, then it can take up to 2 hours to reach Bolzano.

How many miles will a train travel in 45 minutes?

It depends on how fast the train is moving! Speed is how far you travel in a certain amount of time, and you can pretty much go any speed up to around 270 miles per hour on different trains.You'll have to find out how fast the train is moving and figure it out - if the train is traveling X miles in one hour, then how many hours will it take to travel 45 miles?