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3*10^8M/S IN VACUUM.Hence the blue also..

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Q: What is the speed of blue colour light in vacuum?
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Speed of red light and blue light in a vacuum?

In a vacuum the speed of red and blue light are the same as all light, 300,000,000m/s. Their frequency and wavelength will be different but the speed remains the same.

In what situation is the speed of waves of red light exactly equal to the speed of blue light?

speed of light is always the same, regardless of frequency/colour.

What do you mean by refractive index of blue light?

The refractive index of blue light refers to how much the speed of blue light is reduced when it enters a material, compared to its speed in a vacuum. It is a measure of how much the blue light bends or changes direction as it passes from one medium to another, such as air to water or air to glass.

Why does red light travel faster than blue light in air?

Red light and blue light travel the same speed in a vacuum, however they travel different speeds when traveling through any medium other than a vacuum. In most media, blue light has a higher index of refraction (usually denoted with the letter n) than red light. The higher the index of refraction, the slower the light goes compared to its speed in a vacuum. This relationship is governed by the following equation: v = c/n where v is the speed of light in a particular medium, n is the index of refraction of light in that medium and c is the speed of light in a vacuum. Since red has a smaller n than blue in most media, red travels faster then blue in most media. The index of refraction is determined by solving Maxwell's equations for a particular frequency and a particular medium.

Which has a higher velocity blue light or red light?

Both blue and red light travel at the same speed in a vacuum, which is the speed of light (approximately 3 x 10^8 m/s). However, blue light has a higher frequency and shorter wavelength compared to red light.

Is light blue a color?

yes light blue is a colour

What colour would a blue light be?


What colour does Blue and green light make?

When blue and green light combine, they create cyan light. Cyan is a shade of greenish-blue that sits between the two colors in the light spectrum.

Is Niall Horran's favorite colour light blue or dark blue?

light blue

Is blue still blue in the dark?

Technically no colour is present absent light since it is light that gives anything colour.

What is a colour that goes with light blue?

I like lilacs and white with light blue.

What light has the highest velocity in a vacuum a. red b. ultavilet c. violet d. blue e. green f. all travel at the same velocity?

f. all travel at the same velocity. In a vacuum, all colors of light travel at the same speed, which is approximately 299,792 kilometers per second. This speed is known as the speed of light.